quinta-feira, 12 de julho de 2007

Pau pra toda obra

...usamos essa expressão quando queremos dizer que alguém sabe fazer de tudo um pouco relacionado a um determinado assunto.

....fulano é pau pra toda obra....

Em Inglês dizemos : Jack of all trades

ex.: When it is about music, John is a jack of all trades, he can play the guitar, the bass, he can sing and still write some lyrics.

That's all folks....see you..

2 Comentários:

Anônimo disse...

You commited an error when you wrote uptading instead of updating on your blog as you can see in Welcome (Bem Vindo). Don't think I'm a boring guy but when I saw this I had to tell you.

Anônimo disse...


thank you very much and I don't think you are a boring guy, you did the right thing.

Be welcome...

Paulo Sidney

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