quinta-feira, 28 de junho de 2007

Uso de Unless / As long as / Provided/providing

Unless = except if or only if

You can't go in unless you have a ticket.


  • You can't go in except if you have a ticket.
  • You can't go in only if you have a ticket.

Usamos unless para avisarmos:

  • We will be late unless we hurry. (except if we hurry)

No lugar de unless podemos usar if....not:

  • We will be late if we don't hurry.

As long as or so long as, provided(that) or providing(that) = Essas expressões significam 'if' 'on condition that':

  • You can use my car as long as/so long as you drive carefully.

Você pode usar meu carro com tanto que você dirija com cuidado. - esta é a condição

  • Travelling by car is convinient provided/providing you have somewhere to park.

Viajar de carro é conveniente mas somente se você tiver onde estacionar.

Quando usamos frases no futuro, não usamos will depois de unless/as long as/provide/providing. Usamos o Present Simple :

  • We will be late unless we hurry.(não 'unless we will hurry').
  • Providing she studies hard, se will pass the exam.(not 'providing she will study').

Best wishes!

4 Comentários:

Anônimo disse...

Hey! I like that you leave a comment in english for me! THX!

Anônimo disse...

ola gostaria de receber mais comentarios a respeito de como posso usar as long as as soon as as much as.

Igor Marcelo disse...

Congralations! They're really great explains! I could understand everything. It was something that I've had always doubt about it, but I've learned with you. Thank you very much and good jog! God bless you!

Jennifer L. disse...

thank you 4 the explanation! I've been studying it, I have a test 2morrow and I hadn't got it, but now I do! Keep on with this site thing... It is really helpful :)
THX again

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