Uso de Unless / As long as / Provided/providing
Unless = except if or only if
You can't go in unless you have a ticket.
- You can't go in except if you have a ticket.
- You can't go in only if you have a ticket.
Usamos unless para avisarmos:
- We will be late unless we hurry. (except if we hurry)
No lugar de unless podemos usar if....not:
- We will be late if we don't hurry.
As long as or so long as, provided(that) or providing(that) = Essas expressões significam 'if' 'on condition that':
- You can use my car as long as/so long as you drive carefully.
Você pode usar meu carro com tanto que você dirija com cuidado. - esta é a condição
- Travelling by car is convinient provided/providing you have somewhere to park.
Viajar de carro é conveniente mas somente se você tiver onde estacionar.
Quando usamos frases no futuro, não usamos will depois de unless/as long as/provide/providing. Usamos o Present Simple :
- We will be late unless we hurry.(não 'unless we will hurry').
- Providing she studies hard, se will pass the exam.(not 'providing she will study').
Best wishes!
Hey! I like that you leave a comment in english for me! THX!
ola gostaria de receber mais comentarios a respeito de como posso usar as long as as soon as as much as.
Congralations! They're really great explains! I could understand everything. It was something that I've had always doubt about it, but I've learned with you. Thank you very much and good jog! God bless you!
thank you 4 the explanation! I've been studying it, I have a test 2morrow and I hadn't got it, but now I do! Keep on with this site thing... It is really helpful :)
THX again
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