sábado, 7 de julho de 2007

Conversa com o Farmacêutico

Recebi esse pequeno diágolo hoje e achei interessante, por isso resolvi escrevê-lo:

Client: I'd like to have this prescription for burn ointment filled?

Clerk: This burn ointment comes in a cream or a gel. Which would you prefer? I think the cream is easier to apply.

Client: Ok, I'll take the cream. How often should I apply it?

Clerk: Twice daily. You'll have to replace the bandages too.

Client: Ok, can I buy some bandages and gauze to wrap the wound?

Clerk: Yes, will that be all?

Client: Could you recommend an over-the-count painkiller?

Clerk: Yes, try Advel gel capsules. They work very effectively to reduce swelling and relieve pain.

Client: Great! My hand still hurts and I need to cook for a party of 25 tonight.

Para ouvir esse diálogo e ver a tradução vá até o Englishtown


2 Comentários:

Anônimo disse...

Cool! I just got lost in over-the-count painkiller... but that's ok!

Paulo Sidney disse...


over the count (OTC), remédios que podem ser vendidos sem receita médica.


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