sexta-feira, 25 de abril de 2008

Vocabulário: Close

Vocabulário: oito diferentes maneiras de usar a palavra Close:
1. Perto de: There is a mall close to the subway station.
2. Perto de ocorrer ou fazer algo: The airplane is close to leave.
3. Examinar cuidadosamente: Take a close look at this document.
4. Igualdade: The salary rate was close to zero last year.
5. Amigos intímos: John and Peter have been close friendes.
6. Quase correto: You were close, but this is not the correct answer.
7. Calor forte, dia abafado: It's very close today.
8. Segredo sobre os pensamentos ou sentimentos: She is very close about her past.

See you later!!

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