quinta-feira, 5 de julho de 2007

Fazendo comparações

Expressões de Comparação

Expressões idiomáticas de comparação ou Idioms of Comparison, são muito usadas no Idioma Inglês, vou listar abaixo as mais comuns e depois dou algumas frases exemplificando, ou melhor bem que você poderia prencher pra mim deixando no post de recados, ai amanhã eu respondo corrigido, combinado?

Ice-cold, sugar sweet, bone-dry, paper-thin, red-hot, crystal clear, dead wrong, shy-high, lightning-fast, pitch-black, rock hard, snow-white, dirt cheap.

É assim mesmo, algumas tem o hifen e outras não, também não sei o por quê!!

okay...agora vocês completem as frases:

  1. Do not touch that pan! It is __________.
  2. Mike should get his letter very soon. The mail here is_________.
  3. I did not sleep well last night. The bed was ________.
  4. Why don't you agree with me? Do you think I am _________.
  5. The supermarket is having a big sale now, and everything is _________.
  6. After your explanation the situation became___________ to me.
  7. This apple is delicious. It is ____________.
  8. There is not a drop of water in the reservatory, it's_____________.
  9. I can't afford to buy clothes in that mall, the prices are __________.
  10. The walls here are __________. You can hear the neighbors talking.
  11. There is no moon tonight, it's __________outside.
  12. Jenny was wearing a ___________dress when she got married.
  13. After walking in the snow, his feet were _____________.

Ok galera, participem!! ahhh....sim o significado em Português? ...isso vai ficar pra depois também....hehehe...

See you..

2 Comentários:

Reynaldo disse...

I'm going to try.

1.Do not touch that pan! It is _red-hot_________.

2.Mike should get his letter very soon. The mail here is__lightning fast_______.

3.I did not sleep well last night. The bed was ________.

4.Why don't you agree with me? Do you think I am ___dead-wrong_.

5.The supermarket is having a big sale now, and everything is__dirt cheap_______.

6.After your explanation the situation became____shy-high_ to me.

7.This apple is delicious. It is ___sugar sweet_________.

8.There is not a drop of water in the reservatory, it's__bone-dry___.

9.I can't afford to buy clothes in that mall, the prices are ___shy-high___.

10.The walls here are __paper-thin________. You can hear the neighbors talking.

11.There is no moon tonight, it's __pitch-black____outside.

12.Jenny was wearing a ___________dress when she got married.

13.After walking in the snow, his feet were ___ice-cold__________.

Anônimo disse...

Olha! Das 13 eu consegui acertas 11... eu acho! Teve 2 q eu nao sabia qual eram pq pra mim eu usaria os dois hauhahu! Dpois colcoa resposta pra gente!

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