domingo, 8 de abril de 2007

For, during, while

Hi there, how are you? Did you enjoy the Easter Holiday? Last Saturday my family and I went to watch a play in the IBMorumbi as part of Easter Celebration. For two hours we were told about the role of Jesus in our lives and why God sent us His beloved son. The answer came along with the message during the performance(atuação) of each actor, each song, each word...and all of us could feel the answer right in the very heart while we were watching the play. Love is the answer, the God´s love for us, to save us and forgive us. No texto acima eu usei três palavras para expressar período de tempo: =======> FOR + período de tempo para dizer por quanto tempo alguma coisa acontece: For two hours.... ======@ For a week ======@ For a month ======@ For years =======> During + substantivo dizer quando algo acontece: During the performance..... ======@ During the holiday ======@ During the day ======@ During the class =======> While + sujeito + verbo: It was raining while we were watching the play. That´s all for now. See you

4 Comentários:

Lucimara disse...

Que LEgal!
Gostei muito, pode ter certeza que estarei por aqui com frequencia!

Lucimara disse...

Que Legal! Gostei muito
Vou por no meu favoritos!
Estarei sempre passando por aqui!

Unknown disse...

Hi, Paulo.

Como eu traduzo o "came along" e o "very heart" do texto do dia 09?
Parabéns pelo blog! Congrats!

Paulo Sidney disse...

Hi Antonio, be welcome!

Respondendo a sua pergunta:

came along = acompanhar;

very heart = o que há de mais essencia no coração.

Very é usado assim também:

on that very day : naquele mesmíssimo dia.

she was the very same person who I saw yesterday: Era a mesmíssima pessoa que vi ontem.

the very idea, that she could have stolen the money, is completely absurd. Só a idéia/simplesmente a idéia de que ela poderia ter roubado o dinheiro, é completamente absurda.

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